Thursday, April 1, 2010

faux friday.

Time: 29 mins
Length: 4.5 km
Training plan: 5km (close enough!)
Weather: 9C, overcast (but I wore shorts anyway!)
Feeling: A little heavy.. like I need more water and veggies in my life

I don't know if posting all of this is boring for people to read, but I find it useful to look back on (sort of like a public exercise journal, I guess). Especially the "Feeling" part. I'm not feeling as yucky at the beginning of my runs as I used to, which is very encouraging; it's a sign to me that this is starting to pay off. I usually run right after work (between 5:30 and 7pm) so when I get in from my run, I'll make some supper and throw it in the oven to cook while I'm showering. Multitasking makes me feel so productive!

Here is my To Do list before DC comes tomorrow afternoon:
Nails - done
5km run - 90% done (haha!)
grocery shopping
3km run
run in to work 1 hour
clean bathroom

..and then my weekend starts! I heard a DJ on the radio refer to this as a, "Faux Friday". So Happy Faux Friday!!

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