Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I really want to go shopping tomorrow night, but by the time I get home from work, run, shower, and eat, it only really leaves me 90 mins to get to the mall and shop. And people, that is not nearly enough time, even for a power shopper like me.

Solution: I zoomed home from Booty Camp (which was great, my abs are a bit sore from Monday still but I managed to ramp up a few skills to the next level!! woohoo!!), swapped my Lulus for shorts, stuffed some food in my mouth, and hit the road. The first 2-3 kms were tough because my body felt really heavy. Not as happy-go-lucky as last night's run, but it felt good to finish nonetheless!

Time: 45ish mins
Length: 6.1 km
Training plan: 5.5 km
Weather: 12 degrees, SUNNY!
Feeling: Ughhhh.. alright let's GET this DONE!

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