This is what waits for me on the other side of grad. Like, waayy on the other side. The Birks I figure will be my grad present to myself, since I'm not planning any big trips, and the backpack will be a summer goal, I believe. My biggest goal for post-grad is to be financially independant from my parents. I have been ridiculously blessed to run into a school that thought I was promising enou

gh to pay for my education, and my parents have been incredible and supported me through this wild ride that is university. I love them dearly and am extremely grateful. As a result, I will graduate with no debt, which is

almost unheard of at this day and age. I dream of backpacking, but I recognize that if I am going to be independant, I need to start thinking like an adult and planning ahead. That means a little delayed gratification is in order, and no trip immediately after grad. I will buy the Birks and continue to dream, and start squirreling away money from my summer job. This pains me to say, because I do love a good sale.. but if I am ever going to grace Thailand with my presence, saving will be the goal, I say!
Hey.. girl. I saw that bag in Edmonton.. and toyed with it for a dog's age.. in the end, I decided.. not until I have a real job...soon,, baby, soon