DC arrived at 1pm on Friday, a beacon of warmth amidst the cold drizzle, snow flurries, and cloudy sky. My apartment seems much more homey with this gentleman in it.
Saturday's shopping expedition was a wild success. Need someone to go shopping with? I will be your personal shopper. I will get you different sizes. I will find you a sweet deal. I will find cozy sweaters to match with those sweet jeans. JeanS! Plural! I have waited 13 and a half months for this moment, to be your partner in crime in a crazy busy messy hip clothing store (..hip? HIP? What am I, 63?), and it met my expectations. Watch out, there will be more shopping trips :)
After a mini road trip into uncharted territory, we scouted out a flag store DC wanted to check out, and then headed home to relax for a while. Later in the evening, we headed out with the intention of checking out a restaurant.. which coincidentally didn't take reservations and didn't have a host(ess), so needless to say we didn't stay there very long.
Navigating the streets of Halifax, we wound up in a labyrinth of a shop, a veritable maze of literary art - a

two story used bookstore that was packed to the rafters with more books then anywhere I've ever seen before. There were handmade shelves on top of bookshelves, extending the reach of the shelf to staggering new heights. No fancy catalogue system here - just hand written tags on shelves to identify alphabetically organized individual sections. We started out looking around together, then wound up buried in sections of our respective tastes - me in Travel, Theology, Medicine, and Science, and DC in Scotland, Sports, Political Studies - and he even managed to find a section on Serbia. We were like two starved school children, aching for a new subject to bury our noses in. Tucked in nooks and crannies were surprise chairs, ripped and torn, well worn by the bums of many curious patrons thirsty for new knowledge.
I loved it. I miss school. Really, is that a surprise to anyone?
In this weekend, I have learned (as I re-learn every time DC comes to visit) to never take anything for granted. I may be sitting on the couch playing on my laptop while he is watching Sportscentre, but the physical closeness, the simple fact that his feet are on my lap makes the experience far from ordinary. Really, we don't need much more than my apartment with a fridge full of food to make the weekend special, just each other. The jacuzzi is a nice bonus!