Sunday, January 24, 2010

yoga smoothie, and a note on class etiquette

I came home from yoga class today and made a deeeelicious smoothie.


1 banana, cut into slices
1 kiwi, skins removed
a ridiculous amount of frozen raspberries (about 1.5 cups)
1/3 cup sliced firm tofu
1/4 cup bran flakes
1/4 cup water
1/4 lemon, sliced in half

Blend. Add more water if smoothie is too thick. Serve topped with lemon.

This makes two "servings" (as shown above). I found the raspberries overpowered the smoothie, and the raspberry seeds and bran give this smoothie a gritty texture; I like texture to my smoothies, otherwise I feel like I'm being cheated when I drink one instead of eating all of the ingredients separately. Omit the bran and lay back on the raspberries if this is a problem for you.

I wanted to talk a bit about yoga class etiquette. Having been to a few different classes over the past few years, I feel like I've learned some useful tips in how to make the class better for yourself and those around you.

1. Always arrive at least 15 mins early. Besides giving you a chance to set up your mat, undress, and get your mind prepared for your practice, it also ensures you get a spot in the more popular classes. If you've never been to the class or location before, leave even more time, in case you get lost and have to ask someone for help.

2. Bring your own mat. This is a personal preference, because I think it's disgusting using mats that other people's sweaty bodies have rolled all over. Some studios are really good about wiping off the mats after classes, but lately, I've noticed it's been a rarity.

3. If the class is packed, and people arrive looking for a spot, be aware of the space around you, and make room for them accordingly. This morning at my class, the girl in front of me was completely unaware of what was going on around her, and was akin to a car taking up two parking spaces.. I find this really rude.

4. Again, if the class is full, be aware of your body during your practice, and adjust yourself accordingly during your poses. There are certain poses where everyone likes to be at the front of their mats; but if space is at a premium, staggering among the mats makes much better use of the space.

5. DO NOT STEP ON OTHER PEOPLE'S MATS. This is why I wanted to write this list in the first place. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Before and after the class, be aware of where you're stepping. I view my mat as my personal space, a refuge space where I can escape the world. When someone steps on my mat, it's like they've entered my home without my permission. Not to mention their dirty feet are now all over my mat. Wait 5 seconds until they can move it out of the way. I really don't want to ruin the mood of the class, but violators will be swiftly beheaded. NO EXCEPTIONS. Unless maybe, you are reaching your phone to call 911, or your baby is crowning.

I hope these tips will help enhance your yoga experience. Namaste!


  1. I buy those bags of frozen mixed fruit, and blend with OJ which is also delicious! People probably think I am crazy drinking out of a straw in my travel mug on the way to work in the morning! lol

  2. That's a good idea! I'm going to try that next :)
